Model Math


Automatic Differentiation

Computers do differentiation much better than us, here’s why

Automatic Differentiation II

The more the merrier (especially dimensions)

Exploring Architectures- CNN

Convolutional Nerual Networks (math that gives vision)

Exploring Architectures- CNN II

It just got more convoluted

Exploring architectures- LSTMs

The problem of memory loss, and it’s cure

Exploring architectures- RNN

Recursion, ounce again

Exploring architectures- Transformers

Pay attention, from the start

Exploring architectures- Transformers II

A match made in heaven, keys and values

Neural Networks with Linear Algebra

f(Linear Algebra) -> Neural Networks

Neural Networks with Linear Algebra II

Going deeper into neural networks

Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

From discrete -> continuous

Word-to-Vector Embeddings

Understanding language

Word-to-Vector Embeddings II

Road to find meaning